Wednesday, January 18, 2006
yup it's me again
Howdy yo howdy. Well, I found some links, or, actually, cut & pasted them, so you can click on some stuff, you being me & me being moi. Sigh etc. well, yup, we’re still scared, still anxious, but still happy. I try to keep positive, to think about the Holland italy analogy, look at all the cute pictures that parents on the net have of their kids, know that what I am embarking on, although not the “standard” of raising Arizona, or Oregon, or Hawaii, is what it is going to be for me & mine, and that is a beautiful thing, showing a little child her way in the world, trying to set up and establish the best setting for her to live her life, keep an eye on her, give her the best of everything, be there to pick her up when she falls, encourage her when she struggles, love her & hug her when she’s sad and cheer for her when she succeeds, I know I will do all these things and more and that she will teach me things of which at this point I cannot even imagine. She has taught me so much already. She has already made me a better person, a more complete, caring, and consciousness expanded person, shown me what’s really important in this life, and she hasn’t even been born yet. She is already so amazing. Sigh and le jardin and plus a side of raspberry ice cream. Take it easy johannessburg and associated villas and burgs, you in the north and you on the fringe, as well as normal frank and Estelle, much love to you all. Drop me a line in the comments if you’ve anything to say, if you exist. Gracias.